Animal Care

Animal Type:
Animal Breed:

Linguini's Adoption Requirements

Please let us know if any of the links did not work for you, if you have any questions, or if you want to use or add anything that is not listed here that will need pre-approval.  We are here to help you with this process so that you and your new family addition are successful!

*These items are specifically spec'd to a 4'x4'x2' Custom wood enclosure with screen cutouts for Halogen and Deep Heat Projector Fixtures. UVB flourescent t5 lighting to be mounted internally.

UVB Fixture/Bulb

(Option 1)

Arcadia ProT5 UVB Kit - 6% UVB Jungle, 35 Inch (Bulb & Fixture) (Amazon)


(Option 2)

Zoo Med ReptiSun T5-HO Terrarium Hood, 36" with 5.0 bulb (LLL Reptile sometimes)




Vivarium Electronics 36" T5 HO Light Fixture - Great for 36" Enclosures - Fits 34" T5 (Amazon)


with this bulb:


Zoo Med ReptiSun 5.0 HO T5 UVB Lamp, 34" L, 39 Watts



            (Required for internal UVB mounting)


            Arcadia LampGuardPro - 38"






Heat Daytime Fixture:

Fluker's Sun Dome Reptile Lamp - Deep Dome Flush Mount Light Fixture, 8.5 Inches (Amazon)

With a Dimmer Switch - (Amazon)


Heat Daytime:

         Arcadia Halogen Heat Lamp 100 Watt -  (PetSmart)


Heat Nighttime Fixture:

Fluker's Sun Dome Reptile Lamp - Deep Dome Flush Mount Light Fixture, 8.5 Inches (Amazon)

Heat Nighttime:

Fluker's Deep Thermal Heat Lamp for Reptiles - 100 watt  (Amazon)       


Timer: 24-Hour Mechanical Timer Outlet with multiple Grounded Outlets. Daytime units will plug into the timer side, night time units will plug into the continuous side - (Amazon)


Thermostat: ReptiZoo dimmable thermostatic controller - (Amazon) - the nighttime heat source will be plugged into this unit.


It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to get a Solarmeter Model 6.5 UV Index Meter - (Amazon).  This is to not only measure the Ferguson Zone for the UVB but it tells you when the UVB has been burned off from the bulb.


While the bulbs that we recommend generally need to be replaced every 10 - 11 months, some can be defective and burn out sooner.  UVB lights can stop emitting UVB but still illuminate.  Always save the bulb box and receipt if you need to exchange it due to this.  The meter can help to prove your case.


Alternatively, many of these bulbs live longer than expected.  If you check the health of your UVB bulb once a month, you may find that it is viable for many months longer than expected, thus saving you money in the long run.


Remember, the Ferguson Zone you want for your snake to be in is 1-2.  The meter will help you to learn where that is in your enclosure.   It needs to reach the highest point that your snake can climb to.  This will remain an unknown without the meter.  Be Aware!  Cheaper means unreliable or measures the wrong thing.


TIP!!! - Never throw away your UVB light box or receipt in case you need to return it for burning out too soon.

To manage your gradient temperatures, you need the Etekcity Infrared Thermometer Laser Temperature Gun - (Amazon).  Knowing the temps is helpful if your animal is not acting or behaving in a normal way. You can even use it to test your animal's temp as well as the water for your animal’s bath!


If you want to use items from outside you MUST scrub them with Dawn Wildlife Safe Dish Soap - (Amazon) followed by a wipe down or spray of 99% Isopropyl Alcohol - (Amazon). 


If it is wood that is from either outside or is second hand you MUST do the above THEN bake it in an oven at 250 degrees for 2 hours – set your timer to check on it every 15 minutes to make sure it does not catch on fire.

Water Bowl - Pt-165 Constrictor bowl
